Thinking back, [Aug 12, 2020]

Riding the tram on the way home from doing groceries always leads to me pondering on past behaviours.  I just remembered one chapter of my life in which I seemed really weird, from a distance that is. At the time I didn’t question anything about myself, I was just being me.

I had graduated the previous year and was in the phase of doing the few odd jobs that were always available: sales!

The job was only hard if you….

(16 July 2023)  Well I think I would’ve said something like “the job was only hard if you took each rejection personally or couldn’t just keep going to get that sale!”, but I can’t be too sure.

Not sure why I didn’t continue this post.  August 2020 was such a surreal time. It was like living in a half dream, lucid but consciousness not leaving sleep.  And now that I think about it, it had some undercurrent of feeling similar to that odd time in my life. Like I was just going along with everything, and my conscious mind was sitting in a break room just watching through the windows whatever was happening outside and not really doing anything but being.

Unfortunately I can’t remember what particular thoughts were on my mind about that ‘çhapter’ of my life, but I am curious .  Maybe it will come back to me or maybe I will continue to have other thoughts and note them down instead. It’s been a while and I need to journal again.